Spring 2020 looks to be busy for Elaine McInnes-Rich with the launch of Mini First Aid Bedfordshire and the upcoming lambing season! Not that this would faze Elaine.


Not only has Elaine supported children and families as a nurse, midwife and health visitor for over thirty years; but she now runs her own health and social care business and small livestock farm together with her husband. When Elaine found out about Mini First Aid Bedfordshire, she knew straightaway that it was the perfect opportunity to pass on her first aid skills and knowledge to local parents, carers and children.


Elaine is passionate about supporting parents and carers to keep their children safe; and to give them the best start in life. Elaine says:


“Having seen hundreds of families turn up at A&E with injuries that could have been prevented or treated at home, I believe that every adult in charge of a child should have the knowledge, skills and confidence to know what to do in any first aid situation. With first aid coming onto the National Curriculum, I strongly believe now is the time to get Mini First Aid into your child’s school to help pupils learn the skills they might need to save a person’s life.”


If you want to learn first aid and be taught by a talented and supportive professional, then look no further than Mini First Aid Bedfordshire. Elaine has supported and cared for children and young families in all her professional roles within the NHS . She has worked in numerous healthcare settings - both in hospitals as a nurse and midwife and also in the community as a health visitor.


First hand experience of almost every first aid situation . . .

Elaine talks about the kind of first aid and emergency situations she has faced:


“In my professional life, I have had to deal with a constant and varied stream of emergency situations including the resuscitation of both babies and children. More recently, as a liaison health visitor in hospital, I have witnessed a number of babies and children attending A&E with ailments ranging from sunburn and scalds from hot drinks, to near drowning in the paddling pool or garden pond.

At home, I have also been faced with a variety of situations whilst bringing up young children. These have included febrile convulsions, broken bones, bumps to the head, choking and a variety of cuts and bruises. I really do know first-hand how vital it is for every parent and carer to have the knowledge and skills to stay calm and act quickly in an emergency situation.”


Mini First Aid Bedfordshire offers 2 hour baby & toddler first aid classes for small groups of parents and carers. Classes are informal but informative and cover choking, basic life support, dealing with burns, breaks and bumps, febrile seizures & meningitis awareness. A class costs £25 per person.

To book a class with Elaine, click here. Please note that Elaine also offer private classes by arrangement to suit parents’ needs.


For images, information and interviews, please contact Mini First Aid (t) 07376 606217 (e) info@minifirstaid.co.uk

Social media

Facebook: – www.facebook.com/minifirstaidbedfordshire

Twitter: @minifirstaidUK